Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Ways to Improve Your Resume and Job Search With Expert Cheryl Palmer

Ways to Improve Your Resume and Job Search With Expert Cheryl Palmer During her time at the Department of Labor, Cheryl Palmer saw the need for resume writing and career coaching in the wider workforce. So, she founded Call to Career, a premier resume writing and career coaching service, to fill that need. She spoke with us about job hunting and resume writing. What are some common misconceptions about hiring that you see?One misconception is that if you are over 50, you won’t get hired. Even though age discrimination still exists, it is far too pessimistic a view to think that people over 50 aren’t being hired. People in all age groups, even highly experienced workers, are being hired every day. Much of a job hunter’s success depends on attitude. If you think you will get hired, you will. If you think you won’t get hired, you won’t.Another misconception is that sometimes job hunters think that a recruiter will get them a job. The truth of the matter is that recruiters work for the employer, not for the job seeker. C ertainly recruiters can be helpful in the job search process, but that is only true if they have an opening for which the job seeker is highly qualified. Job seekers need to use a variety of job search methods, including using recruiters, to find that next position.Where do job seekers get â€Å"stuck,† so to speak, in their search? What stumbling blocks are out there?Some job seekers get stuck because they do not clearly define their job target. It’s easy to get stuck if you don’t know what you are looking for. You can’t expect a potential employer to be your career coach. You must decide for yourself what you are looking for, and all of your job search tools need to reflect that goal.Another stumbling block is that it is easy to get sidetracked with other projects you didn’t have time for when you were working. Men especially are prone to get stuck doing their â€Å"honey-do† lists instead of focusing on the job search.What’s the on e thing we should never, ever do on our resumes?Job seekers should never, ever lie on their resumes. For some job hunters, it may seem as though this is the best thing to do, but it is very dangerous. The consequences for a job seeker can be severe. Most organizations will terminate an employee immediately if they find out the person lied. This is true even if the organization finds out years after the fact.Many job seekers feel compelled to lie because they think it is the only way to compete. They may state they have a degree when in fact they never completed college, because they see so many vacancy announcements require a college degree. Or they may take credit for something on the job that they didn’t do because it sounds impressive.But lying is not worth it. If you are found out, not only can you lose your job, but if you are in a field where everyone knows everyone else, you can also be blacklisted.Why is interview coaching so important? What’s changed about int erviews in the past few years?Interview coaching gives job hunters critical feedback on how they are coming across. Many people may think they interview well, but they may not know how they are being perceived. An interview coach can help job seekers fine tune their answers for commonly asked questions and analyze their nonverbal responses.One major change in how interviews are conducted in the last few years is that job seekers can expect at some point in the job search to be interviewed via videoconferencing. Skype is one of the most popular videoconferencing services. Job seekers should prepare to be interviewed through this new medium. There is a different feel with video interviewing than with face-to-face or telephone interviews.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

27 Ways to Use the Verb Fare in Italian

27 Ways to Use the Verb Fare in Italian The verb â€Å"fare† is one of the most diverse verbs in Italian. You can use it to ask how the weather is and to talk about an upcoming trip you’re taking. You can use it to tell someone you’re going on a walk and that you’re waiting in line. In short, you can express yourself in a lot of ways using the verb â€Å"fare.† Since the verb â€Å"fare† is derived from facere, a Latin verb of the second conjugation, it’s considered an irregular second conjugation verb. It doesn’t follow the regular pattern of conjugation (infinitive stem endings). How to Conjugate â€Å"Fare† Fare (to do, to make) is conjugated in the present tense as follows: io faccio noi facciamo tu fai voi fate lui, lei, Lei fa loro, Loro fanno Fare also has an irregular past participle: fatto. Ways to Use the Verb â€Å"Fare† IDIOMATIC EXPRESSIONS USING FARE fare i compiti to do ones homework fare il biglietto to purchase a ticket fare la fila / la coda stand on line / wait on line fare la spesa to go grocery shopping fare le spese to go shopping fare forca to play hookey fare vedere to show someone something fare una domanda to ask a question fare una fotografia to take a picture fare una passeggiata to take a walk fare colazione to have breakfast fare un viaggio to take a trip fare un capello in quattro to split hairs farsi la barba to shave farsi coraggio to take heart fare castelli in aria to daydream fare fingere to pretend, make believe fare male to be painful, to ache farsi in l to step to one side fare di tutto to do everything possible fare del proprio meglio to do ones best farsi degli amici to make friends fare alla romana to split the check fare il pieno to fill up the gas tank fare passare to let through The Weather- Il Tempo The verb â€Å"fare† is used in many expressions relating to the weather. Che tempo fa? - How is the weather?Fa bel tempo. - The weather is nice.Fa cattivo tempo. - The weather is bad.Ha fatto caldo. - It has been warm.Qui fa sempre freddo. - Its always cold here.In primavera fa sempre fresco. - In spring, its always cool. Note!: In the preceding examples, it is an impersonal subject and is not translated into Italian. The verb â€Å"fare† expresses the basic idea of doing or making, as in â€Å"fare gli esercizi - to do exercises† and â€Å"fare il letto - to make the bed,† but is is also used in many idioms. Proverbs with â€Å"Fare† Besides idiomatic expressions, the verb â€Å"fare†   is used in a number of proverbs. Fare e disfare à ¨ tuttun lavorare.- Its all go, its a hard life.Chi la fa laspetti.- You will get as good as you gave.Chi fa da sà © fa per tre.- If you want something done, do it yourself.Non fare agli altri cià ² che non vorresti fosse fatto a te.- Do as you would be done by.Tutto fa brodo.- Every little bit helps.Chi non sa fare, non sa comandare. - A bad worker is a bad master.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Jhon Locke second treatise Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Jhon Locke second treatise - Essay Example While Locke presents a number of viable suggestions in regards to property ownership it is nevertheless to conduct a critical evaluation of the validity Locke’s postulations pertaining to property ownership and an assessment of the applicability of his arguments in modern property ownership. In Locke’s argument pertaining to property he argues that a person’s body happens to be his own property and any work that it undertakes is thus seen to essentially be owned by it. Locke postulates that by mixing labor with the various available resources availed by nature essentially causes results in the removal of these natural resources from common ownership and makes these resources our very own. He points out that this is the premise that is granted for property ownership as provided for in the bible and is in line with Adam’s means of obtaining dominion over the entire earth and its creatures (Locke Sec. 36). Locke’s use of the bible is seen to be an atte mpt to try and essentially justify his position on the general formula that was used in the acquisition of land. In my opinion this supposition as provided by Locke essentially makes sense as it is primarily through our own individual labor activity that we can be able to cause the various natural resources to obtain their innate true value. However in my opinion, I think that Locke did not take into careful consideration aspects such as communal labor that see individuals undertake a number of labor activities not for their own individual gain, but primarily for the benefit of the entire community. Locke also seem to overlook the fact that it is nowadays quite common for individuals to desire to own land not for their own mere self-gratification but primarily for ecological stewardship purposes where their attempts are mainly geared at the general conservation of nature. To some extent, Locke’s position can arguable seen to not be justifiable as although the original premise of land acquisition in which the entire world was according to Locke America and there was a lot of land which was seemingly unowned, and hence the acquisition of land by an individual did not in any way tend to infringe on another individual’s capacity to acquire land as there was no evident scarcity of land to own (Locke Sec. 36), this supposition can be seen to not hold true in the modern day world as the rapid population increase that has been experienced around the world has caused there to be numerous persons across the world who despite their engagement in labor activities, still cannot be able to own any land or own any housing property. This is despite there being some individuals happen to own thousands of acres of land or various properties that remain vacant for very long stretches of time without having any human habitation. It is primarily in respect to this that I strongly support the argument that the current unequal possession of the earth has essentially be en imposed by most men by those that happen to be stronger than them. My current perception is that if all men were to be granted equal opportunity and resources, all men would desire to and eventually own land. Locke points out that money has been of great aid in the promotion of the unequal and disproportionate possession of the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Relation between Electronic Media and Crime by Kids Research Paper

Relation between Electronic Media and Crime by Kids - Research Paper Example The range of media by which children have access to has tremendously increased to date. Take the example of books, magazines, radio, and films and add the dozen of cable Ers', video games and millions of internet sites that children have access to; the big question is to do these entertainment gargets have a hand in what is seen as increased criminal activities in our societies today as compared to the times of previous generations. The truth is a dense electronic bath in which children are immersed to today have increased not only in industrialized countries, but also other societies of the world (American Psychological Association, 2002). The nation’s main concern is a bout the content and its impact to the society, and whether there is a relationship between the content children receive from the media and in particular television programs and the way children grow up to behave as responsible adults. The answer is definitely, yes. A recent study indicates that 93 percent of children who live in electrified urban centers and rural areas do have access to television sets (American Psychological Association, 2002). This is 50 percent more than those who live in areas with out electricity. Importantly, these children in urban areas do spend on average of three hours in a day watching television programs. The question is does that account for the high level of crimes in these particular areas as compared to areas where children do not have access to television sets? Shockingly, children are exposed to high levels of violent images on daily basis with many countries accounting for an average of five to ten aggressive acts per hour (American Psychological Association, 2002).

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Truth in Media Essay Example for Free

Truth in Media Essay The omnipresence of pornography in today’s society has increased extramentally over the past few decades. What is available over the internet is remarkably unrestricted and available to anyone who looks for it. This paper will cover how and what the messages on sexuality that are being conveyed to today’s society, Open sexualities vs. purity Which is better is an article written by Michael in 2012 regarding finding the truth about how our society views sexuality in the past and currently. He discusses how we Americans have evolved from a society of purity to complete sexual freedom to what is described as a loose society today. He questions the thought process of completely educating our youth. whether it is a good decision to overloading the impressionable minds of out children. He continues to describe the loss of the family unit in America. How this loss has devastated the fabric of society. We have become slaves to our labeto never thinking about what that truly means. The article gives clear statistics on abortion, marriage, STDs, and unwanted births throughout our history to back up what he calls the loss of the family unit. He then gives information on pornography, prostitution, rape, and human trafficking, which gives a complete picture of how human sexuality really looks like in this country. He ends with the encouragement of the old fashioned art of the conversation. He says to continue talking about subjects and maybe things will change. Manipulation The power of subliminal persuasion is an article from mens health magazine in July 2013 edition. It is an article describing how to get you wife or girlfriend to have sex with you through subliminal persuasion. It starts out with this quote â€Å"Money worries have increased marital arguments by 59%, but getting your own way need not mean blood and thunder†. The article does into how certain substances like coffee can increase the effectiveness of subliminal persuasion on the female mind. How if a man starts introducing his wish for sex early in the morning but after her morning coffee his chances increase. The article describes step by step how to introduce his wishes into her subconscious mind throughout the day then finally ending with either the man successfully manipulating the female or with the question of why not and the debate is on. The whole article is on how to get what you want by manipulation and corwersion Conception What if Women are offered contraception for free is an article by Valerie Tarico on May 16, 2013 in Ms. Magazine. The article covers an overview of a research project that was conducted last fall in Missouri on free conception. This research project was conducted with 9000 women and covers how the birth rate, abortion rate, and financial obligations of that state were reduced significantly. The author asks the question on if this trial was to become a fixed solution what would have to be done to implement it ant would it work. The article goes into a complete breakdown of the statistical information of Washington state and how those numbers could be affected by implementing such a program here and what that would mean in the long run for tax payers and families. She continues to describe the financial obligations of not having such a program in place today. This is so astronomical that it is hard to believe we spend that much money on unwanted pregnancies and childcare expenses for as she puts it â€Å"go-with-the-flow babies†. Common views What Are Americans Doing Beneath The Sheets These Days? An article by Dr. Justin Lemiller posted on November 28, 2012 in the Chicago times is a brief expose on what Americans are actually doing in the privacy of their own beds. This article covers masturbation, oral sex, and anal sex and includes at what age people are doing what. Teen pregnancy Teenage pregnancy: High US rates due to poverty, not promiscuity an article written B Stephanie Hanes, Correspondent May 22, 2012 in Modern Parenthood magazine discusses how that statistically it has been proven that teen parenthood has been significantly higher among those with a lower socioeconomic status than any-other bracket. The article goes into detail regaurding the satistical information across countries and within America as well. The article continues to outline the difficulties in correcting such a problem due to the fact that no campaign against teen pregnancy would even effect the overwhelming nature of the lack of options for the lower classes. The lack of options creates a kind of circular motion that seems to offer hope of a better life but doesnt. Extramarital affairs The Truth About Why Men Cheat an article written by M. Gary Neuman for Redbook magazine in 2012, informs readers of why men cheat. The article goes over the reason a man cheats is not for sex. Men according to the ones serveyed cheat do to emotional dissatisfaction rather than sexual dissatisfaction. The article the goes into how to create an atmosphere of mutual reward and respect. Men have trouble asking for pats on the back but need encouragement just as much as women. If we set the stage for a give give relationship we have a better chance at staying faithful. Homosexuality Understanding females sexual fluidity is an article written by Ian Kerner, for the New York Times on February 9th, 2012 discusses an interview with a famous actress and how a slip of the tounge can revel much. The actress said that being a lesbian was a choices she made not something that she was or wasnt. Having said such a thing sparked much debate and consideration of choice. The article talkes about how women are much more fluid in whom they choose to fall in-love with, that women ten to fall in-love with a person not a gender. The article also goes on to show information regarding a study done on heterosexual and homosexual men how they were both turned on my both gay and straight pornography. This study gives a lot of credence to the premise that gays can choose to be not gay. Casual sex  Do You Want More Than a Hookup? Written by Angela Ledgerwood for cosmopolitan magazine discusses how todays young people are not as interested in just hooking up as they once were. The article goes into a question answer format and talks about how todays young people are afraid of dating and not sure even how. The article give a clear description that people today have no idea how to even get someone to go out on a date so it gives some starting points. Then the article goes into some dating tips and encouragement. I found that these articles are well written but lack any sense of morality. I found it so very difficult to find articles that were not how tos or so close to pornography that I would not even use the. This to me seems to be a funny thing for I am a very open person regarding sex. I do not have any inhibitions and from a Christian view point I would be a huge sinner. With that being said as I was doing my research on this topic I found it way to easy to learn how to give a blow job and how to perform anal sex. This was at the common sites like cosmopolitan and Redbook there was no safe guards like even Facebook has regarding sexually explicit stuff like are you 18 to look at that kind of things. Therefore comparing what I have found on the internet with what we were taught thought this class was so completely different that I feel like a prude. Saying that seems a bit off and I have to chuckle a bit. But I feel that honesty is truly the best policy, therefore I must say that I am an ex-prostitute and have had so many partners that I cannot even count. God has forgiven me of this sin and now the rose colored glasses have completely been taken off. Throughout this course we have learned all about what being authentic in our sexualities means and how to have a healthy God centered relationship. It is hard to imagine how these to completely different views can merge into one complete view. I feel compelled to try for we are the sum of all parts. God has given us such a wonderful gift of sexuality and I for one am very grateful. I think that if we try to educated ourselves on how to be fully honest with ourselves, God, and our spouses we will have a great chance at fulfilling ourselves and our marriages. We need to be educated every-way with what and how to do and what God expects of how we are to behave. Finding this balance is not easy in todays society of we are bombarded with explicit material every second of everyday. We must therefore have some kind of outline for us to follow that is where the scriptures come in to play. Our text talks of unhealthy sexual behavior as â€Å"Inauthentic sexual behaviors (that) are organized around using power to control† (Balswick Balswick, 2008, p. 86). this type of behavior is viewed as common place in today’s society by evidence of the article The power of subliminal persuasion by Alex Young. In this article he states just how to manipulate the opposite sex into getting what he wants. He states that â€Å"The power of subliminal persuasion means you can tug in the right direction without her feeling the pinch† (Young, Mens Health, 2012). This however subtle manipulation is all about power and control. Our text tells us that we are to be committed to God and to one other person by saying â€Å"God created for us to be sexual beings, in a spiritual way with one who we have decided to spend our life with† (Balswick, p 68). But society tells us that sex can be freely given to whomever we choose whenever we choose. This is not without its consequences however as stated in the article Which Is Better – A Society With Loose Sexuality Or A Society With Strict Rules For Sexuality? By Michael Snyder. In the article Snyder give information and the destruction of the family unit with â€Å"According to the Pew Research Center, only 51 percent of all Americans that are at least 18 years old are currently married at this point. Back in 1960, 72 percent of all U.  S. adults were married†. This directly shows that we are not coupling the way God has intended. In our presentation Teens and sex: Taming the drive Chap Clark, M. Div. , Ph. D. explains that it is important to explain to our youth responsible sexuality by the statement â€Å"When teens struggle with their sexual feelings, urges and drives, it is important that the church help them to understand what is behind the physical drives and to see people’s bodies, souls and relational choices as God sees them. His call is to holiness, but that calling is about caring for the best of others as people develop their attitudes and make choices. Chap Clark gives Clear explanations as to the different types of love in-order to inform teens of what is healthy and what not healthy love is. By doing this he sets the stage for responsible choices unlike the responsible choices made by teen mothers. In the article Teenage pregnancy: High US rates due to poverty, not promiscuity by Stephanie Hanes we find that in has been discovered that people with fewer options financially have higher birth rates. Hanes states that â€Å"anthropologists and social workers explain that teens who experience â€Å"despair† are more likely to turn to motherhood as a way to find meaning in a world where they see few other options† which seems to correspond very well with the hypothesis. Our presentation on Restoring Marital Intimacy: After the Affair by Mark Laaser and Deb Laaser informs us how to overcome the sin of infidelity by grace through repentance, honesty treatment, and forgiveness this is a hard road nd takes a lot of faith and commitment. In the article The Truth About Why Men Cheat by M. Gary Neuman we discover that it is not necessarily sex that causes men to cheat but rather a loss of intimacy in the relationship. Neuman states that â€Å"48% of men rated emotional dissatisfaction as the primary reason they cheated†. This seems rather strange considering we are all told that men and women think differently when it comes to sex. I am a grandmother if two wonderful little girls and when I think of the material that they will shortly be exposed to I cringe. As a counselor I would want to keep my eyes open and take a look regularly at what we are being exposed to in-order to be fully informed as to where my clients would be coming form. It would not be enough just to stay up-to-date with the current techniques and treatment options. I would need to keep my eyes open to the current beat of your world as well. I have to say that writing this paper has at least taught me that. Having a wide knowledge base and commitment to biblical principles needs to be the foundation of my counseling process, for without this foundation I would lose my way. God has given me the gift of being able to help others through sharing my pain but in-order full understand someone else’s pain there will be times that I have to educate myself in how they see the world and having this knowledge will enable me to do so. Counselors need to have a full tool box and sometime that tool box has things in it that we have had to learn from others. Having an open mind will make that possible.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Human Performance Enhancement Technology :: Science Engineering Essays

Human Performance Enhancement Technology One of the funniest things about human nature is that nothing is ever good enough. No matter how good we are at something, there will always be someone in those 6 billion plus who can do it better. My mom told me that when I was a kid playing soccer in the back yard. They don't sound like the words of encouragement you might expect from a nurturing mother to an aspiring child but it was true. No matter how long I practiced, how many goals I scored, games I won, trophies I put on the shelf of my bedroom, there would always be someone, somewhere who could do me one up. When faced with this thought, we have a choice to make. Give up and accept life for what it is, try to enjoy every moment and yield to share the glory with the word, or try harder. Obsess over the prospect of achieving perfection and stop at nothing: all for that that one moment, that one instant when we ARE the best. People are like technology, they may be the newest hottest thing on the market but lined up for years behind them are thousands of advancements and improvements, maybe still in the works, but chomping at the bit to break out on the world and push even farther. So what's the point? What's the moral we are supposed to derive from all this? No moral. No point. Just a thought I think is pertinent to the changing tides out there in the battle we all face to be the best we can be. How far will we take it? What is advancement and what is too much? We live in an interesting time. Information technology is growing rapidly, new products and ideas popping up every day in relation to every field. By the same token biology and chemistry are as strong as they have every been, discoveries in medicine and health care are booming. So what happens when these potent ingredients are thrown together? What happens when we apply IT to biology? Well we already are, we ¡Ã‚ ¦ve been doing it for years. Doctors and Scientists couldn't accomplish anything without their computers. The human Genome project could never have even existed if not for computers and the special software used.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Sustainability and Green Development

Furthermore, in many instances scarceness is an issue to a great extent related with the poorness. Despite the fact, that the Earth’s crust really contains adequate minerals that in fact technically can be extracted, nevertheless it can non be done in sensible monetary value and be low-cost for the hapless. Monetary values of natural stuffs have been turning in the last 10 old ages making in some instances ( e.g. in summer 2008 ) unprecedented degrees. Though the more recent development of monetary values has changed, exposing a drastic autumn in the last two old ages, monetary values are expected to lift once more in the close hereafter. Manifold grounds are behind this belief. Between them, the force per unit area on demand caused by the emerging economic systems and the diffusion of new engineerings are of import factors. The increasing inclination in the natural materials’ monetary values and the volatility showed during the old ages 2005-2009 that authoritiess and companies need to worry about the entree to resources of the stuffs. The competition for the entree to resources has intensified since provider states like China had started to devour natural stuffs and besides began to retain some parts of the production, besides that China restricted exports. The economic development of emerging states and the population growing contributed to increase the demand of natural stuffs in quantitative footings ; at the same clip the assortment of stuffs extracted and used has increased( Mancini, 2013 ) . It includes the alleged â€Å"technology metals† , which have indispensable belongingss for the production of hi-tech devices and technology systems applied e.g. in the production of clean energy engineerings. No affair how one does the computations, the deductions of current forms of stuff usage for the environment ( including clime ) , the economic system and our endurance are profound and unsustainable. We must alter the historical relationship of stuffs, energy, growing and the environment. Used heedlessly, stuffs hold set of keys, which open every bit menaces to our heath, our economic system and our environment. Life Cycle Assessment or LCA can be defined as a systematic stock list and analysis of the environmental consequence that is caused by a merchandise or procedure get downing from the extraction of natural stuffs, production, usage, etc. up to the waste intervention( Walter Klopffer, 2014 ) .Each of these stairss include thorough analyses, which 1s covers the usage of stuff, beginnings of the energy used in the production, maker and terminal of life phase, besides that analyses of the environmental impact. These analyses help to find the failings of the merchandises, services or procedure. LCA is a utile tool in ( based on ( Walter Klopffer, 2014 ) ) : The alteration of the clime, energy policy, and the economic system all create headers, but the narratives that follow frequently miss the point that all these issues are, in portion, symptoms of how we use stuffs. It is going progressively clear that how we use stuffs is a big factor in energy usage, clime alteration and the economic system, and an of import issue in its ain right. One of the most of import political docket of the EU [ 1 ] has become the security of supply of the natural stuffs. The European Union has started to take an action in order to guarantee the entree to resources and avoid deficits of supply, which would reflect on loss of fight. Furthermore, a safe supply of minerals is indispensable to accomplish the ends of the European environmental policy with regard to a low C economic system, extenuation of clime alteration and energy efficient society. Sing the population and ingestion growing in the past 10 old ages, the demand for the resources had besides increased significantly. As a effect of demand for the resources the monetary values for resources are besides increasing. Furthermore, the scientists are really cognizant that non-renewable resources will non last everlastingly. Peoples have a batch of treatment sing this fact whether it will be 20, 200 or 1000 old ages before, for illustration, the world’s crude oil resources are really scarce, but everyone agrees that this will go on someday. The depletion of natural stuffs is one of the major sustainability jobs. In fact the hazards involved with the depletion of natural stuffs likely are higher than the issue of planetary heating. If we will take a expression at history for illustration, at scarceness of significant stuffs, world normally has gone contending for them. Wherefore it is about ineluctable that the history will reiterate itself. Furthermore, the depletion of the resources will impact the future coevalss and even the life that still are excessively hapless and developing to take their just portion of these stuffs. However, the inquiry of the scarceness of natural stuffs is ineluctable. Scarcity may be impermanent if it appertains on available engineering and costs. Short term scarceness is considered by the regular economic system and in fact isone of the chief rules of the jurisprudence of supply and demand. It is merely long term scarceness that is insufficiently considered and progressively fiscal guess systems ruin sustainable and sound monetary value formation.( Scarcity of resources, 2014 ) Sustainability is of import to the wellbeing of our planet, continued growing of a society, and human development. Building building and operations have important direct and indirect impacts on the environment. The edifices use resources such as natural stuffs, H2O, energy besides that they besides generate waste ( building, resident and destruction ) , and emit purportedly harmful environmental emanations. Holders, designers, and workman’s of the edifices face a singular challenges to run into demands for new and refurbished buildings that are productive, healthy, accessible and secure while cut downing their impact on the environment. This requires for new betterments in constructions, utilizing operations ( that are environmentally dependable ) and efficiency of stuffs during a buildings life clip from design stage boulder clay deconstruction including building, operation, care, and redevelopment. At present, it is widely accepted that economic development must be sustainable, every bit far as minimization of environmental impacts and safe-guarding of non-renewable resources is concerned. In peculiar, the chance of re-using solid waste stuffs as a replacing for those extracted from preies in edifice building is going more and more widespread. One of the most of import factors specifying a sustainable edifice is the stuffs. Some illustrations of the sustainable edifice stuffs include assorted types of timber, fine-grain forests, marble mantles, sheep wool andbamboo. Harmonizing tothe Environmental Protection Agency:â€Å"Sustainability is based on a simple rule: Everything that we need for our endurance and well-being depends, either straight or indirectly, on our natural environment. Sustainability creates and maintains the conditions under which worlds and nature can be in productive harmoniousness that permits carry throughing the societal, economic and other demands of present and future generations.† Oftentimes, green edifices and sustainable patterns are used variably. Sustainable patterns are processes that maintain human demands and better the life quality in the procedure of doing effectual and environmentally responsible usage of economic, natural and human resources. Terry J. Williamson, in his â€Å"Understanding Sustainable Architecture† describes that green edifice is a building utilizing any assorted methods that promote resource preservation ( stuffs, energy, and H2O ) and reduces environmental impact while maintaining operational costs low ( Terry J. Williamson, 2002 ) . Sustainable architecture besides looks at the life rhythm of a edifice in footings of energy usage and environmental impact. In 1970 the universe voiced their concern about the increasing population growing and the exponential addition in the activity of the industry.During the 70’s the concern was heightened even more when the Middle East cut down the supplies of fossil fuels and monetary values for the energy had risen. Scientist, designers and other people began to seek for ways of continuing the environment and devouring less energy in the edifices. Peoples became tired of the uncontrolled pollution and stuffs which amendss the environment. A whole new accentuation was placed on utilizing the free natural resources of the Earth, every bit good as recycling the resources which were already exploited. New analyses initiated to expose the advantages of taxing effects of pollution, and more significantly, that there was still clip to make something about it. Militants began making Torahs curtailing pollution end product and even prohibiting some chemicals and industrial merchandises. The universe quickly learned that â€Å" an ounce of bar is worth a lb of remedy. † Even thought, decently disposing of unsafe stuffs and filtrating fume from the mills was a dearly-won attempt, it was doubtless cheaper than cleaning up the environment subsequently. One of the easiest topographic points to experiment with sustainability was within the life infinite. Using natural edifice stuffs, which 1s are closer to the nature, such as wood and rock are much more natural than steel and concrete. Therefore, utilizing recycled elements in the building saves landfills from infinite sum of refuse every year.Sustainability was non merely about salvaging money, but besides enabled edifices to go portion of the environment, instead than lodge out from it. Sustainability besides became known as â€Å" green † architecture. Green development, eco-housing, sustainable design – environmentally sound lodging has every bit many names as it has definitions, but the Rocky Mountain Institute, in its â€Å" Primer on Sustainable Building † , describes this new sort of architecture asâ€Å" taking less from the Earth and giving more to people. †( Dianna Lopez Barnett, 1995 ) In pattern, â€Å" green † lodging varies widely. For illustration, it can fluctuate from being energy efficient and utilizing green merchandises for assorted parts of the building to being to the full constructed of recycled stuffs and wholly powered by the Sun ( or any other renewable energy beginnings ) . Green edifice patterns offer a possibility to construct resource efficient and environmentally friendly edifices by utilizing a blended attack to the design. Sustainable edifices promote resource protection, including efficiency of the energy, renewable energy beginnings and H2O saving characteristics ; reflect on the environmental impacts during the life clip and waste minimisation at the terminal of life phase ; make an integral and convenient environment ; cut down care and operation costs ; and turn to issues such as cultural heritage, entree to public transit and other community systems. The whole life rhythm ( from the natural stuffs acquisition till terminal of life ) of the edifice and its constituents is examined, every bit good as the environmental and economic impact and public presentation. An increasing public consciousness of the impact that building has on human wellbeing, clime alteration, use of the energy and environmental debasement have led in recent old ages to an increasing involvement in environmentally sustainable building. One of the most important factors bring oning edifice sustainability is the sustainability of the stuffs used in the building. However, as the surveies show, there is small connexion between the appraisal and measuring of stuffs sustainability attributes, ensuing in the market today that is littered with 100s of inconsistent, equaling and frequently misguided enfranchisements, criterions and eco-labels. This contention has led both to confusion among commercial buyers and consumers of sustainable edifice stuffs, and to the deduction of incompatible standards for sustainability in larger edifice enfranchisement plans. Global heating is the ascertained and jutting additions in the mean temperature of Earth ‘s ambiance and oceans.The Earth ‘s mean temperature raises about 0.6 ° Celsius in the twentieth century, see the temperature graph below. The alteration of the clime is brought approximately by our actions that incorporate the release of singular sums of nursery gases. Scientifically talking nursery gases traps the heat and besides allows some heat to get away back into the outer infinite. Basically, the more nursery gases are in the ambiance, the more heat gets trapped. The booming growing and increasing sustainable developments involves a broad runing cognition of steering rules and issues over and above an nonsubjective apprehension of scientific and economic rationality. Everyone needs to concentrate and take part in assorted educational plans, conferences in order to leave consciousness and apprehension of the planetary heating consequence. We need to take an enterprising attack to the environment, development of new power beginnings, edifice efficiency and technology a sustainable attack to the advancement. At present the Earth is sing the warming consequence which is called planetary heating. It is advantageous for the chief metropoliss [ 2 ] of the universe to back the Kyoto protocols [ 3 ] to guarantee the decrease emanations of the nursery gases. These metropoliss have an tremendous chance to alter the environment. Peoples must acknowledge the cardinal and terrible undertaking of organizing the metropoliss because they are the chief drivers of our societal systems. First of wholly, we need to understand what sustainability is. Awareness and reactivity will assist us to happen the ways on how to decrease the dangers of the planetary heating. New engineerings and understanding the importance of the planetary heating can assist us to construct a sustainable life style which will last for coevalss. Peoples must make a better and healthier universe where every state can populate in a harmoniousness with the nature. The metropoliss where we live are a proximate and existent step of what we create and our households are the smallest unit of the society. This thought is the connexion with the political relations and authorities, built milieus and environment, societal and economic thoughts. Looking at a work of our municipality allows us to measure our ability to assist transform ourselves in better sustainable states. To calculate out what is doing the planetary heating, scientists have analysed all the natural rhythms and events that are familiar to act upon the alteration of the clime. However, the sum and form of warming that is been measured can non be explained by these factors entirely. There is merely one manner to clear up the form and it is to affect the consequence of nursery gases ( GHGs ) released by people actions. A group of the scientists called theIntergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, or IPCC formed by the United Nations [ 4 ] gathers all information about the causes of the planetary heating. The group meets every few old ages to study the up to day of the month scientific finds and compose a protocol sum uping all what is being found about planetary heating. Each study represents an understanding between 100s of taking scientists. The scientists have figure out thatthere are several nursery gases responsible for warming, and worlds emit them in a assortment of ways.Most come from the burning of fossil fuels in autos, mills and electricity production. The gas responsible for the most warming is C dioxide, besides called CO2. Other subscribers include methane released from landfills and agribusiness ( particularly from the digestive systems of croping animate beings ) , azotic oxide from fertilisers, gases used for infrigidation and industrial procedures, and the loss of woods that would otherwise shopCarbon monoxide2.( Global Warming Causes, 2014 ) Diverse types of nursery gases have really contrasting heat pin downing capablenesss. Some of the nursery gases can pin down more heat than CO2molecule. For illustration, one molecule of methane has 20 times bigger impact on the environment than a molecule of CO2. Another type of gases azotic oxide is 300 times stronger than CO2molecule.Other gases, such as CFCs ( which have been banned in much of the universe because they besides degrade the ozone bed ) , have heat-trapping possible 1000s of times greater than CO2( Global Warming Causes, 2014 ) . However, because the concentrations of the other gases are less than that of CO2, neither of these gases addendums as much heat to the ambiance as CO2does. To understand and calculate out the effects of all the gases by and large, scientists looking afterall nursery gases in footings of the tantamount sum of CO2. From 1990 more than a 20 per centum of annual emanations have risenup by about 6 billion metric dozenss of â€Å" C dioxide equivalent † worldwide( Global Warming Causes, 2014 ). First off all, there need to be betterment in the energy efficiency. Very approximately one tierce of energy is used in the edifice sector ( domestic and commercial ) , one tierce in the conveyance sector and one tierce in the industry sector. Considerable nest eggs can be done in all three sectors, many with noticeable nest eggs in the cost. However to accomplish these nest eggs in pattern will necessitate appropriate incentive and inducements from cardinal and local authorities and a great trade of finding from all of us. For illustration the sector of the edifices: all new developments need to include energy beginnings that are carbon-free. Existing edifices need to be upgrade for much higher energy efficiency. Large efficiency nest eggs are besides possible in the conveyance sector. For autos, for case, a patterned advance of engineerings between now and 2050 is anticipated to get down with petrol/electric loanblends so move on to fuel cells and H fuel. Within the industrial sector a serious thrust for energy nest eggs is already happening. A figure of the world’s largest companies have already achieved nest eggs in energy that have translated into money nest eggs. Second, there are possibilities for segregation of C resistance, for case, in exhausted oil and gas Fieldss or in suited stone formations. For illustration: because of the big figure of coal fired workss being built particularly in China and India, rapid development, presentation and execution of C gaining control and storage ( CCS ) [ 5 ] in all new workss is a really high precedence. Third, a broad assortment of non-fossil-fuel beginnings of energy is available for development and development, for case, biomass ( including waste ) , solar power, hydro, air current, wave, tidal, geothermic energy and atomic. The potency of solar power, both photovoltaic and concentrated solar power ( known as CSP in which solar energy is used to drive heat engines ) , is particularly big, peculiarly in developing states and near desert countries with high degrees of sunlight. The chances within industry for invention, development and investing in all these countries are considerable.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Educational Opportunity Program Essay

The State University of New York Educational Opportunity Program was created by the state of New York in order to provide access, academic support and financial aid to students who may not otherwise be admitted to state graduate programs. This program falls under state university guidelines within the state government so there are specific enrollment rules such as the necessity of being a New York State resident at the time of application. The website for the program is http://www.suny. edu/Student/academic_eop. cfm. Mission The mission of the State University of New York Educational Opportunity Program is to provide access to graduate level education. This program focuses on students who show promise within their chosen field but who may not have access to a graduate education. The EOP program carefully considers all applicants but gives preference to students who are ineligible for enrollment under standard guidelines and/or come from disadvantaged backgrounds. Further, the program is designed to support students financially and academically in order to give them an opportunity to complete a higher education degree while also providing the support necessary to live up to their full potential. Resources The most important resource that the State University of New York Educational Opportunity Program provides is a graduate level education. Students who are part of the program receive support services including academic, career and personal counseling services as well as tutoring and additional instruction if necessary. The EOP program also provides financial aid for non tuition related expenses such as books and school supplies. However, the most important resource that the program offers is the monetary aid necessary to enroll in and complete a graduate level course of study. Good and Services While the State University New York Educational Opportunity Program does not provide tangible goods it does provide essential services to its more than ten thousand current students as well as its over fifty thousand alumni. The purpose of the services offered is to provide the tools necessary for economically or racially disadvantaged students to complete graduate level courses of study. These services help these students overcome the educational challenges they face in order to obtain higher education and go on to live successful and productive lives. To this end, the EOP program is customized to meet the academic, career and personal needs of all students through a variety of counseling programs. Further, the services offered are designed in such a way so that students receive the support necessary to complete their degree even when facing enormous struggles. Former students report feeling as if their support mentors enabled them to believe in themselves and to never give up on their educational dreams. Conclusion I chose this program because it is a very important part of the educational success of many disadvantaged students. I believe that all people should have access to higher education but this is not always the reality. Many students face such enormous struggles that they never receive a graduate level degree. This program has enabled many students to realize their dreams of an education through financial, career, academic and personal support. References DiNapoli, Thomas P. (2007). State University of New York Educational Opportunity Program. Division of State Government Accountability. Retrieved on April 21, 2009 from http://osc. state. ny. us/audits/allaudits/093008/07s99. pdf. Henehan, David. (2007). SUNY Educational Opportunity Program celebrates 40 years. The State University of New York. Retrieved on April 21, 2009 from https://www. suny. edu/SUNYNews/News. cfm? PrintFlag=Y&filname=2007-11-02+final+online+EOP+turns+40+II. htm. The State University of New York. (2009). Educational opportunity program. Retrieved on April 21, 2009 from http://www. suny. edu/Student/academic_eop. cfm.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Continuous I In Managing Health And Safety, Along With Quality And Environmental Considerations The WritePass Journal

Continuous I In Managing Health And Safety, Along With Quality And Environmental Considerations Importance of Integrating Health/Safety, Environment and Social Concerns in Business Operations Continuous I In Managing Health And Safety, Along With Quality And Environmental Considerations ). Thirdly, such a strategy is good for employee relations and can enable a favorable corporate culture (Scheme, 2012). Continuous improvement can also enhance risk management capabilities or an organization. Lastly, it could foster stronger relations with legal regulators (Scheme, 2012). One of the reasons that make a corporate strategy with health, safety, social and environmental concerns at its core important for a business’s performance is the growing prevalence of social media (Truist, 2012). Such a corporate strategy can help a company create a positive image (Truist, 2012). Moreover, such a strategy can enable an organization to engage with its audience/customers in ways beyond its products or services (Truist, 2012). Another benefit of such a corporate strategy is that it fosters a positive relationship of an organization with governments (Truist, 2012). Companies who continually improve their operation and thus have a positive social perception are better positioned to cope up with government regulators (Truist, 2012).   On the other hand, an organization can be faced with a bad public image which can have significant impact on its financial and business performance in case it fails to address these management issues. It has become very important for organizations to implement and accredit with quality, health and safety systems and environmental due to the increasing pressure from their internal and various external stakeholders. These include governments and regulatory bodies, local communities, customers, workers, and suppliers and business partners. However, organisations require considerable amount of resources to implement and maintain of such systems or to make changes to existing ones. This may have a direct affect on the bottom line of the business corporations. Accreditation with quality standards and acquiring certifications can incur hefty costs.   If in-house expertise is not available many companies may need the services of external consultants to assist them in adhering to such quality standards.   These costs, for many small or medium sized businesses can therefore be prohibitive. Irrespective of this, organisations have to face the demands of their various stakeholders to ensu re a positive engagement with them. These issues greatly affect what firms decide and what they do. Continual improvement to the complete customer satisfaction implies that business corporations should aim at a point where they meet the requirements of quality in terms of environment and safety standards in addition to product and service quality. It can be critiqued here that adhering to high quality standards has better pay off in long term and thus quality does not incur additional costs. Philip Crosby supports this view in his work titled as Quality is Free (1979). The book turned a light on for many of its readers. The book contended that contrary to the common perception, quality does not add any costs to a product. Indeed adding quality is a break-even proposition at its least and highly profitable at its best since quality always pays off in the long run (Crosby 1979). During the 1970s and 1980s when Crosby proposed this contention, corporate strategies were mainly focused on tasks such as achieving efficiency in manufacturing or improving sales. Corporate managers generally had low priority for quality related issues and similarly lacked experience in such matters. This entire period was generally marred by negligence of quality. However, quality in its various forms has become an integral part of the modern day organ izations and an important corporate agenda due to the highly competitive business environment and increased social awareness. Customers nowadays are judging brands more and more based on ‘how’ these have been sources and produced (De Oliveira Matias and Coleho, 2002). This has implications for a wide array of factors that affect the overall quality of various business processes. These include the quality of the goods/services and business functions, and the overall these operations in terms of environment, workers health and safety and ethical standards. The growing influence of these factors is a shift away from just economic sustainability towards economic, social and environmental sustainability.   There is generally more awareness regarding how business entities treat the environment and workers. In a step further, a large segment of the consumers are taking these factors as benchmarks for judging the quality of goods/service produced by corporations (Schema, 2012).   With the growing popularity of such wider interpretations of quality standards, companies are required to integrate qual ity related management systems (and related certifications) in their corporate strategy. Management Systems Adherence to Quality Management Systems (QMS) such as ISO 9001 and ISO 9004 can be considered as a starting point for improving quality.   This can then be extended to systems related to the environment, social responsibility and occupational health and safety through systems such as ISO 14001 and/or EMAS, SA 8000, and OHSAS 18001 respectively.  Adherence to these standards can be accompanied by the  development of the model of quality through a shift from simple quality control system towards a Total  Quality Management (TQM) approach (Matias and Coelho 2002).   TQM,† is an integrative philosophy of management for continuously improving the quality of products and processes† (Ahire, 1997).   This philosophy is aimed towards continuous improvement in all processes. Total Quality Management TQM system was put forth by Dr. W. Edwards Deming (Deming 1986). He proposed that by adopting appropriate practices of management, businesses can improve quality while reducing costs (due to the reducing in waste,  rework, staff attrition and litigation). According to him, in order to increase quality and reduce costs simultaneously, businesses would have to practice continual improvement and consider manufacturing as a system rather than bits and pieces (Reilly 1994). Deming proposed 14 points as a framework for transformation of organizations from the present style of Western management to a total quality culture. These points can form principles for continuous development in various business aspects including health and safety, and social and environmental responsibility. The points do not constitute much as an action plan but more of a philosophical code for management. These fourteen points are: â€Å"Create constancy of purpose. Adopt the new philosophy. Cease dependence on inspection to achieve quality End the practice of awarding business on the basis of price tag. Improve constantly Institute training on the job. Institute leadership Drive out fear Break down barriers between departments Eliminate slogans, exhortations, and targets for the work force asking for zero defects Eliminate work standards, Substitute leadership Eliminate management by objective. Substitute leadership. Remove barriers that rob the worker of his right to pride of workmanship. Institute a vigorous program of education and self-improvement. Put everybody in the company to work to accomplish the transformation†. (Deming 1986) Organizations can implement such a management system to ensure continuous improvement in managing health and safety, along with quality and environmental considerations. Quality Management System For realizing this management philosophy, the implementation of a  formal Quality Management System (QMS) is a desirable objective.   To address these specific corporate goals, organizations seek accreditation to specific standards. The ISO 9000 is one such standard which comprises of â€Å"a set of essential elements that enable the design and implementation of quality management systems† (ISO 9001. Generally, the application of these standards will raise the abilities of a company; for instance; improving performance of operations, reputational value, cutting costs, and supplier and sub-contractor selection.   Along with the fundamental requirement of quality, many organizations now strive to achieve and demonstrate to their stakeholders a sound environmental performance, by curtailing the  impact from their activities, products and services on the natural environment.   These environmental issues are considered in the ISO 14000 Standards (Standards for the Environ mental Management Systems).   These standards, (quality and environment) emphasize on the importance of similar managerial aspects such as top management commitment, leadership and continuous improvement in performance. Moreover, the OHSAS 18001 standard aims to assist organizations in management and control of their   health and safety risks and in the overall improvement of the OHS performance.   Organizations with quality  and environmental management systems, which are certified, or aspire to ISO 9001 and ISO 14000 standard’s certification should in addition incorporate a system of management of health and safety such as OHSAS 18001.   A strong commitment to these standards can advance to a complete corporate strategy by amalgamating all these three standards into an integrated management system (IMS). Integrated Management Systems (IMS) An IMS is â€Å"the organisational structure, resources and procedures used to plan, monitor and control project quality, safety and environment† (Griffith 1999).   Other definitions are comprehensively detailed in Wilkinson and Dale (2000). The case  for integration of the three standards described for quality, occupational health and safety and the environment is  now widely discussed in literature and  IMS is increasingly seen as part of the  organisation’s management portfolio.   There are several requirements and points that  are common to the three management systems, such as: â€Å"system requirements, leadership (management responsibility), management of resources, management of  processes, system implementation and monitoring and measuring† (Griffith, 1999) These three sets of  standards con be combined under a common underlying principle of continuous improvements based on  Deming’s (1982) TQM cycle of Plan-Do-Check-Act.   Furthermore, these three sets of standards can share the  same managerial resources such as (1) system documentation,  (2) business process records, (3) corporate policies, (4) project planning, (5) managerial responsibility, (6) strategy implementation, (7) management controls,  (8) communication standards and systems, (9) audits, (10) conformity, among others. With regards to leadership, these standards require process leadership from the top management  in order to allocate maximum responsibility to the  top management. Regarding prevention, these standards demand the identification of preventative actions for the mitigation of potential `non-conformities’. Concerning continuous  improvements, these standards underscore the improvement of management system in a continuous manner. Th e structure of OHSAS 18001 has been developed to advance compatibility with the quality management (ISO 9000) and environmental management  (ISO 14000) systems. This compatibility eases the integration of the three systems in the  organization. Benefits of Integration An organization may attain a number of tangible and non-quantifiable benefits from the implementation  of an integrated management system. In term of operational management, IMS ensures that the daily operations are being performed effectively without the need for high level management intervention and input, thereby freeing up of management time to concentrate upon tactical issues and focusing on strategic management.   Decision making processes are improved as the IMS provides up-to-date information from a single source. It achieves improvement in resource utilisation through reduction in the duplication of processes and procedures and the time spent in the review of documentation; this accomplishes a tangible cost benefit, as opposed to the duplication of effort required for three totally different systems. An integrated system also provides for a higher level of management control than is the case for the management of separate systems.   An integrated system overseen by a single person, who has an overview of all the operations of the company and can provide input into the development of the overall goals and o bjectives of the organization, thereby making it easier to implement changes, rather than the restricted, functional approach in fulfilling individual system’s objectives. The implementation of an integrated system can also lead to enhanced communications in the organization. By delivering effective IMS training programs, confusion can be avoided that may result in contradictory messages being conveyed through the separate system training programs. Hence employees at all level across different departments can exchange ideas and expertise in the same manner and utilise the same approach. As a tangible benefit, organisations can realise a positive cost benefits through efficient operational processes and procedures and improved resources utilisation.   By keeping the overheads down through these improvements, organisations can maintain market share and achieve competitive advantage. With regards to reputation and corporate image, organisation may also undergo enhancement social perception, as having an IMS demonstrates environmental and social responsibility.   In addition to the positive cost benefits illustrated above, another direct cost benefit that can be achieved by integration is in the internal and external audit requirements.   Separate management systems require each individual system to have separate internal and external audits. However, since the procedures are amalgamated in the integrated system, this considerably reduces this requirement.   Further, by focussing on issues pertaining workers’ occupational health and safety, for example, t hrough the intensification of worker job satisfaction can lead to an increase in productivity which can imply greater  efficiency and financial revenue for the organization. Adequate management of  occupational health and safety would, thus, also bring a positive influence in shareholder  interest and, consequently, in the organization’s suppliers, providing more opportunities  for business. Moreover, benefits are also to accrue at the level of product  compliance and conformity, bringing satisfaction to customers and a reduction of  scrapped material with the implied environmental benefits. One can thus conclude  that all the elements interested in the organization would be satisfied. Difficulties in Integration of Systems The existing systems of organizations may seem to be sufficient and work well and integrating new approaches in business operations and corporate strategy can threaten the structure and reliability of the current arrangements that may have the support of all within the organisation. The IMS can become over centralised and over-complex and lack the flexibility to consider local needs and constraints, thus leading to employers and employees becoming unconvinced by what they see as a worsening of this scenario under integration.   Organisational vulnerability to against change can cause unforeseen consequences during the integration implementation. Furthermore, whilst IS0 9000, the quality management standard and ISO 14001 the environment standard are internationally recognised and certifiable, OHSAS 18001 the occupational health and safety management systems – specification, though certifiable, is not internationally recognised. Health and safety and environmental management a re often underpinned by law whereas quality management system requirements are in the main, established by stakeholder requirements (IOSH, 2012) Conclusions Nowadays, it has become important for business organizations to engage with its stakeholders as part of its corporate strategy. Understanding their concerns and aspirations is considered to be an important prerequisite of a  successful and sustainable corporate strategy. With an increased understanding of the stakeholders concerns and aspirations, businesses will be better positioned to capitalize  on upcoming opportunities which may include better-motivated  employees and good relationship with external stakeholders.  In today’s business world, various stakeholders have become active in their demand for a business to become socially and environmentally viable in additional to its economical viability. In general, an organization can improve its business operations in terms of health and safety, and environmental and social impact by adopting a total quality management corporate strategy. Particularly, an organization can adhere to specific standards such as ISO 9001, ISO 14000 and OHSAS 18001 to pursue a total quality management approach in the area of health and safety, environment and social responsibility. Adherence to such practices and standards can be amalgamated through an integrated management system that collectively deals    with quality, environmental,  and health and safety management.   The need for an IMS has also arisen as a  result of the decision to implement an environmental  management system (EMS) and/or  an occupational health and safety management  system (OHSMS) in addition to a  quality management system (QMS). IMS as a concept does not, emerge merely from the possibility for a company to exploit existing synergies between different management systems that it can adopt (saving money, time and human resources). On the contrary, it is something intrinsic to the cornerstones of quality, environment and health and safety, namely continual improvement and total customer satisfaction (Salomone, 2008). References Ahire, S. L. (1997), Management Science Total Quality Management interfaces: An integrative framework. Interfaces 27 (6) 91-105. Beckmergan, L.A., Berg, H.P., Karapetrovic, S.V., Willborn, W.O., (2003). Integration of management systems: focus on safety in the nuclear industry. International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, Vol. 20, Iss: 2 pp 220-228. Control of Substances Hazardous to Health  Regulations 1988 Crosby, P (1979).  Quality is Free. New York: McGraw-Hill. Cua, K. O., K. E. McKone, and R. G. Schroeder. (2001), Relationships between implementation of TQM, JIT, and TPM and manufacturing performance. Journal of Operations Management, 19 (6) 675-694. De Oliveira Matias, J.C., and Coleho, D.A. (2002), the integration of the standards systems of quality management, environmental management and occupational health and safety management. International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 40, No. 15, 3857-3866. Deming, W.E. (1982), Quality, Productivity and Competitive Position, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Centre for Advanced Engineering Study, MA Deming, W. E (1986).  Out of the Crisis. MIT Press. Environmental Protection Act 1990 Griffiths A., (2000), Integrated management systems: a single management system solution for project control? Engineering Construction and Architectural Management 7 3, 23-240. Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 IOSH, (2012), Joined-up working. An introduction to integrated management systems. ISO 9001, Karapetrovic, S., (2003), Musings on integrated managements systems; Measuring business excellence, Vol. 7, No.1, pp. 4-13 OHSAS 18001, Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems Specification. Salomone R., (2008), Integrated management systems: experiences in Italian organizations; Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 16, Iss. 16, Nov. 2008, pp. 1786–1806 Reilly, N. B. (1994).  Quality: What Makes it Happen? Van Nostrand Reinhold. p.  31. Schema, (2012) The Importance of CSR. Schema Sustainability Partner. Available from (cited on 30th April, 2013) Truist (2013) Why Corporate Social Responsibility is so Important in 2013. Available from (cited on 30th April, 2013). Walton, M. (1986). The Deming Management Method. Penguin Group. pp. 94 Wilkinson Dale, (1999), Integrated management systems: an examination of the concept and theory; The TQM Magazine, Vol.11, No. 2, pp. 95-104. Winder, C., (2000), Integrating OHS, Environmental and Quality Management Standards; Quality Assurance, No. 8, pp. 105-135.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

15 Quotes That Will Help You Identify Flattery and Praise

15 Quotes That Will Help You Identify Flattery and Praise Praise has a therapeutic effect on the receiver. It helps to restore a persons self-esteem. It gives hope. Praise is not flattery. There is a distinct difference between the two. Learn to Differentiate Between Praise and Flattery There is a popular Aesops tale about the foolish crow and the wily fox. A hungry crow finds a piece of cheese and sits on a branch of a tree to enjoy his meal. A fox who was equally hungry sees the crow with the piece of cheese. Since he badly wants the food, he decides to trick the crow with flattering words. He lavishes praise on the crow by calling him a beautiful bird. He says that he would like to hear the crows sweet voice, and asks the crow to sing. The foolish crow believes that the praise is genuine, and opens his mouth to sing. Only to realize that he had been fooled by the wily fox when the cheese was hungrily devoured by the fox. The difference lies in the intent of the words. You can praise someone for their actions, or the lack of it, while flattery can be vague, undefined, and even false. Here are some ways to spot the difference between praise and flattery. Praise Is Specific to an Action; Flattery Is Adulation Without a Cause Praise is an actionable device to encourage a positive outcome. For instance, a teacher could praise her student by saying, John, your handwriting has improved since last week. Good job! Now, such words of praise can help John to improve his handwriting further. He knows what his teacher likes, and he can work on his handwriting to produce better results. However, if the teacher says, John, youre good in class. I think youre the best! these words are unspecific, vague, and offer no direction for improvement to the receiver. John will, of course, feel good about the kind words from his teacher, but he wouldnt know how to be better in his class. Praise Intends to Encourage; Flattery Intends to Deceive Flattery is buttering up. With flattering words, someone hopes to get their job done without any concern for the person who receives the flattery. Flattery is based on an ulterior motive, that only benefits the flatterer. On the other hand, praise benefits the receiver, by encouraging the receiver to see the positive side of life. Praise helps others to recognize their talents, raise their self-esteem, restore hope, and give direction. Praise helps both the giver and the receiver.   Those Who Praise Are Immensely Self-Confident; Those Who Flatter Dont Have Confidence Since flattery is manipulative, flatterers are usually spineless, weak, and of poor character. They feed on others ego and hope to get scraps of goodies from egocentric megalomaniacs. Those who flatter dont have leadership qualities. They lack the personality to inspire and instill confidence. On the other hand, praise givers are usually self-confident and assume leadership positions. They are able to infuse positive energy in their team, and they know how to channel the energy of each member of the team through praise and encouragement. By giving praise, they can not just help others grow, but they also enjoy self-growth. Praise and appreciation go hand in hand. And so does flattery and adulation. Praise Fosters Trust; Flattery Fosters Mistrust Would you trust a person who tells you how wonderful you are, how kind you are, or how great you are? Or would you trust a person who tells you that you are a good co-worker, but you need to improve your social skills? It is tough to spot flattery if the flatterer is cunning enough to veil his words to sound like appreciation. A devious person could make flattery look like genuine praise. In the words of  Walter Raleigh:   But it is hard to know them from friends, they are so obsequious and full of protestations; for a wolf resembles a dog, so doth a flatterer a friend. You have to be careful when you receive compliments that amount to nothing. Flattery according to the Bible, is a form of hatred. Flattery can be used to manipulate, cheat, deceive, and hurt others. Beware of Flattery Because Flatterers Can Hurt You Words that are sweetened with honeyed words can fool the gullible. Dont let others sway you by their sweet words that mean nothing. If you meet someone who praises you without reason or charms you with honeyed words of appreciation, it is time to cock your ears and listen beyond the words. Ask yourself:   Is he or she trying to woo me? What are his/her intentions?  Are these words true or false?Can there be an ulterior motive behind these flattering words? Accept Praise With a Pinch of Salt Let praise or flattery not go into your head. While it is good to hear praise, accept it with a pinch of salt. Perhaps, the person who praised you is usually generous. Or perhaps, the person praising you wants something out of you. Flattery can be exhausting, even if they are generous. It is like eating too much sweet and feeling sick after a while. Praise, on the other hand, is measured, specific, and direct. Know Who Your Real Friends and Well Wishers Are Sometimes, those who criticize you more often than praise you have the best interest in their heart. They may be stingy when it comes to praise, but their words of appreciation are more genuine than compliments you gather from a stranger. Learn to spot your true friends, from those who are friends in good times. Shower praises and compliments wherever necessary, but not because you want to gain a fat favor. Be genuine and specific while praising someone, if you want to be accepted as a well-wisher. If someone flatters you, and you are unable to tell whether it is flattery or praise, double-check with a true friend, who can help you see the difference. A good friend will puncture your inflated ego, and bring you back to ground reality if the need arises. Here are 15 quotes that talk about praise and flattery. Follow the advice given in these 15 inspirational quotes on praise and flattery, and you will be able to tell the difference between praise and flattery every time. Minna Antrim: Between flattery and admiration there often flows a river of contempt.Baruch Spinoza: None are more taken in by flattery than the proud, who wish to be the first and are not.Samuel Johnson: Just praise is only a debt, but flattery is a present.Anne Bradstreet: Sweet words are like honey, a little may refresh, but too much gluts the stomach.Italian Proverb: He that flatters you more than you desire either has deceived you or wishes to deceive.Xenophon: The sweetest of all sounds is praise.Miguel de Cervantes: It is one thing to praise discipline, and another to submit to it.Marilyn Monroe: It is wonderful to have someone praise you, to be desired.John Wooden: You cant let praise or criticism get to you. Its a weakness to get caught up in either one.Leo Tolstoy: In the best, the friendliest and simplest relations flattery or praise is necessary, just as grease is necessary to keep wheels turning.Croft M. Pentz: Praise, like sunlight, helps all things to grow. Zig Ziglar: If youre sincere, praise is effective. If youre insincere, its manipulative.Norman Vincent Peale: The trouble with most of us is that we would rather be ruined by praise than saved by criticism.Orison Swett Marden: There is no investment you can make which will pay you so well as the effort to scatter sunshine and good cheer through your establishment.Charles Fillmore: We increase whatever we praise. The whole creation responds to praise and is glad.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Journalism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Journalism - Essay Example Internet has helped develop the speed with which reports get fed in the news channels and newspapers. It has eased up work as well as made the element of giving quick reports possible. The aspect of live reporting has also been made possible with the advent of Internet and more so in the field of journalism alone. It has been proven by recent studies that the masses have stood up and taken due notice of the role of technology within journalism and have generally appreciated the very fact which brings upon a positive influence towards their respective lives (Berger, 1998). This paper specifically discusses the role of Internet and the newer forms of online communication under the domains of journalism and discerns the relation between these newer media and journalism within the broader contexts. The notion of technology working for the benefit of journalism is a very important one in the time of age of today. This is because technology has manifested growth and development for the people who are related with the field of journalism in the last 2 decades or so. The Internet has helped shape up the way the work gets done. The reporting has become much easier. News stories are prepared at the end of the reporters and producers and then transmitted to the channels where these get encrypted and thus read out or printed over the local medium (TV, radio or newspaper). The use of expressive vocabulary has in essence built a much needed bridge between the provider and the receiver of this information, which has actually made the journalistic viewpoint more liable to creating a solid impact on the minds of the viewers, listeners and readers. The audience is thus getting the message fast and they now do not have to rely on the traditional media vehicles for confirming a particular pie ce of news and/or reporting which had been done the earlier day. Things have started to change with the advent of the Internet and one can deduce from this fact that this

Friday, November 1, 2019

Business plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Business plan - Assignment Example Halifax is an ideal location to open this venture, given the vibrant nature of the summer months. The long term vision for SW&D is to expand as an outlet chain across Canada and the Municipality of Halifax will offer the ideal expansion grounds initially. c. Norva Scotia region where Halifax is located is one of the most promising of Canadian tourism attractions with over 2 million visitors in recent years. Halifax tourism and own population are growing steadily (398,000 in year 2009), providing an expanding customer base. Ice-cream industry in Canada has experienced slow yet steady growth, despite its non operational nature during winter months. The Canadian production of ice cream is 400 million liters of hard and approximately 20 million liters of soft ice creams (Sector Profile, 2006) Other items as sundaes and shakes account for 175 million liters. Out of this production Canada also exports around 15 thousand tones over the previous year, mainly to USA and Arab countries (Consumption of Dairy Products, 2010). Total ice cream sales in Canada reached almost $2.1 billion in sales value. The industry is not fragmented and two giants, Nestle and Unilever holds over 60% of the market share (Euromonitor, 2006). Rest of the market is fragmented with regional chains, vendor franchises and chart sales. Direct competition for SW&D will come from the other ice cream parlors in the region such as Dairy Queen, Black Bear Ice Cream Parlor, Cows Homemade Ice Cream, Kendales Ice, Cows Halifax, Cold Stone Creamery to name a few. In addition to these well known outlets, there is a host of other outlets which capitalize on the growth of impulse purchases (Dairy, 2008). Indirect competition to ice creams comes from other deserts and confectionaries that will compete for customers’ share of spend on impulse indulgent foods. However, in this business scenario, SW&D is planning to counter this by incorporating a wide desert